THOUGHTRice is the essence of all.Technology is no match for good ingredients.
Rice is the essence of everything we do.
We use only the finest quality Yamada Nishiki rice from Tojo in Hyogo Prefecture and Gohyakumangoku rice from Tonami Plain in Toyama Prefecture. To preserve the integrity of each and every grain, we perform most of the brewing process by hand.
Our brewery is located in Kyoto’s Fushimi Ward, an area renowned since ancient times for the purity of its groundwater. Here, crystalline waters from the Momoyama Hills flow underground and are pumped up to the brewery's premises to create our distinctive sakes.
In a timber brewery dating to the early twentieth century, we still brew sake the old-fashioned way, respecting the pride of generations of sake brewers and brewery owners to whom we owe a debt of gratitude.
We will continue to express our passion for the sake brewing traditions passed down to us uninterrupted over the centuries since our company was founded.
ABOUT US松本酒造とはMatsumoto Shuzo
With its brick chimneys, Taisho-era timber brewery, and traditional teahouse-style Mangyoin guest house, Matsumoto Sake Brewery preserves the rich culture, history and traditions of Kyoto sake brewing.

This sake is brewed with care and dedication, inspired by the haiku poet Matsuo Basho's verse, Wa ga kinu ni Fushimi no momo no shizuku se yo—“On my robe, let dewdrops from Fushimi’s peach blossoms fall". Brewed with pure ground water from Fushimi’s Momoyama Hills, this sake is intended to be enjoyed with food. It imparts a subtle aroma, pleasing tanginess and acidity, and the elegant flavor of Yamada Nishiki rice.

In 1922 when the business relocated from Higashiyama Ward to Fushimi Ward and the old timber brewery was built, Jihei VII created the Hidemorizakari brand to mark the shift from wooden casks to glass bottles. The label featured the twin slogans "A delicious sake" and "Everyone’s favorite sake”.
BUY澤屋 まつもとsawaya matsumoto

This brand’s name is a combination of Sawaya, the name of the original sake brewing business Jihei I founded in Kyoto in 1791, and Matsumoto, his family name. While humbly respecting the Kyoto sake brewing traditions nurtured over more than two centuries, this brand is driven by a fierce passion for exploring new tastes and new techniques for expressing them.
OUR DIRECTIONチームで醸す松本酒造Brewing as a team
While respecting the wisdom and traditions of our predecessors, the meaning of sake, and the time-honored sake brewing process, we are committed to creating authentic sakes that will remain in the hearts of those who drink them.